Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mefloquine Day

Today is Mefloquine Day. I hate Mefloquine day!!! Taking my malaria medicine is pretty rough, but has inspired me to begin a Mefloquine dream diary. One side effect of the medication (aside from "feelings of mistrust towards others" as the box describes) is crazy vivid dreams. So here is the start of my Mefloquine Dream diary:

1. I had a dream that I got back to the States and forgot everything about Ghana, didn't bring anything back, no pictures, nothing! I freaked out because people started to not even believe that I went....then after that there was a shipwreck where my friends from Ghana washed up in the US. Crazy.

2. One night last week I had a dream that Jake told me he was gay.

3. Before I left for Ghana I had to take the medicine a few times. One night I had a dream that I was being robbed...there were other ridiculous aspects to this but I forget most of them.

The dreams are pretty crazy!! I have woken up with my heart racing and once almost in tears! It's funny to hear everyone else's crazy dreams too. My one friend had a dream that he was holding this baby but he kept dropping it. He couldn't hold onto the baby, it just kept rolling out of his hands!

I guess if the dreams are the worst side effect of preventing malaria it's pretty worth it.

Last night we went to Reggae night again. There were these little kids who did gymnastic/acrobatics! It was so cool. This one little boy could  bend over backwards, grab his feet and roll himself around like a tire. Check out the pictures on FB they should be posted soon.

So far classes have been alright, though I couldn't really understand my teacher in the one I had today. My schedule is pretty sweet. My classes are on Mondays and Tuesdays mostly, but there is one Thursdays. So I have Wednesdays and Fridays completely free!  Yesterday I layed by the pool for the better part of the afternoon (I know, be jealous). It's been kind of funny because most professors don't show up for the first week of classes so I've only had 2 out of the 5 I'm taking. My social work class about children's rights in Ghana seems pretty interesting though so I'm excited! I'm also going to audit a sociology course that I can't take for credit because of a time conflict, but it's about culture and reproductive health. It basically covers all of the taboo issues in Ghana relating to sex and gender. The teacher is a woman who gave us a lecture during orientation about gender issues in Ghana and she was really good so I'm excited to audit a full course of hers!

Well that's all for now, Jake and I are off to check out the bookstore..maybe they will have UGH t-shirts!

1 comment:

  1. (This is from Bob.....Bob from Bob and Terri)

    So Mefloquine day, huh?? As anti-whatever drugs are concerned, it would seem that at least this one has an entertaining side effect.

    So it sounds like Ghana is treating you well. I can imagine that your duty at the pool was pretty hard to endure but you seemed to muscle your way through it without a problem. You DO realize, of course, that many of your blog readers are probably reading this while enduring the next ice age in the Northeast...don't you?? Don't be surprised if you return to Wooly Mammoths and saber tooth tigers. (Note that I'm making the assumption that both of these creatures were, in some way, related to the Ice Age based upon my viewing of that cute, little animated movie of the same title.)

    Isn't the Ghana national dance one where you bend backwards, grab your ankles and roll around like a tire?? I was able to do that once, but I must admit that I was under the influence of Mefloquine at the time....or something like that :)

    Its great to hear that you are having a super time and I'm glad that Terri sent me the blog link. Take care!
